About Advanced Digital eBooks
The Advanced Digital eBooks website is owned and operated by Gavin Gilmour, who has had a lifelong interest in learning a wide range of self-development topics due to experiencing two life-threatening serious accidents (Moter Bike and Hang-Gliding Accents). As a result, he started learning self-help concepts, including affirmations described by Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. This website takes that interest further to explore the rabbit hole adventure of learning advanced New Age concepts for improving and increasing awareness of personal lifestyle choices and personal life skills.
Advanced Digital eBooks.com sells a variety of self-development topics and interest titles, mainly focused on wellness and self-development topics such as do-it-yourself kits for everything ranging from self-reliance self-help topics to avoiding a divorce to learning how to stay positive in tough times. This website has been active since 2007, when it was part of a global network of similar eBook-selling stores, but now it is an isolated homegrown site focused on selling self-improvement topics.
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